Building Strong Homes is going live! Join us for an evening of fun, food, fellowship, praise & worship and practical teachings. We’ll also have some cool swag to give to every attendee! See below for workshop descriptions and more information. Limited seating available.

*Live Event Speakers and Topics. The Live Event will be held at The Roper Farm in Fountain Inn.
Live Cooking Demonstration and Quick Recipe Ideas with Cindy Marlar – After being in the classroom as a teacher, Cindy decided to take a break to be at home with her three girls. While at home, her creativity went from the classroom to the kitchen and she decided to start teaching cooking classes to help people realize cooking is not hard and by making recipes simple and easy to follow, she hoped to empower families to try cooking and enjoying a meal together. Around the same time, Cindy established Cindy’s Suppers and provided meals for families who didn’t want to cook or had no time at all to get it done. For three years she was blessed to help feed many families each week. Although Cindy currently works for Re-Max, guiding and teaching people through the process of buying or selling their home, we’ve managed to coax her out to share her delightful story of how and why she got into the business of cooking while sharing her fantastic recipes. Cindy’s specialty is making quick and delicious meals all family members love (even the kids!) with a short list of ingredients you probably already have on hand. Cindy’s presentation will include samples for each attendee and a recipe book of her favorite meals to take home with you!
Reclaiming Peace in Your Home and Life with Melissa Capps – Do you feel like you can never get ahead? Would you sometimes rather be at work or anywhere else because your home is a series of unfinished tasks? Clutter on the outside leads to clutter on the insode and vice versa. It doesn’t matter which came first, it’s time to put a stop to it. Melissa Capps, owner and operator of Dimple Spaces, will be speaking on the connection between mental health and home organization. Are you ready to clear the clutter inside and out? Reclain your space. Reclaim your peace. Love where you live.
How to Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life with Connie Tresedder – There are two principles surrounding our thoughts and emotions that can change your life. If you take simple steps in each of these principles, you will experience amazing results. Christian Breakthrough and Success Coach Connie Tresseder will present these principles that are helping people all over the world change their lives.
Love Where You Live with Carol Roper – Have you ever felt unseen? Like you don’t belong? Or are you scared to step out of your comfort zone and welcome strangers into your life?Remember being the new kid at school and panicking every time your lunch shift started, wondering who you’d sit with? Most of us have felt this way at least once in our lives. But that’s not how God wants it to be. God wants us to know we belong to Him, first and foremeost, and to a community of believers. Sometimes we’re the gatekeepers, preventing others from coming into our circle of frineds, while other times we’re the ones longing to belong. In this teaching Carol Roper, podcaster, blogger and speaker, will delve into how God calls us to love where you live, even if that means you’re not a part of that community yet, or are scared to welcome people who are unfamiliar to you. Carol longs to bring a circle of women together to form a mighty army fighting for our familiues, homes, communities and churches, and reveals how God did this through one woman in the Old Testament.
Praise and Worship with Elise Roper Younts – From the time she was a small child, Elise has loved to sing. Her home church encouraged her gift, frequently asking her to sing, and her passion for music flourished. From there she studied voice and sang at numerous churches and competitions. Elise attended North Greenville University and was accepted into Joyful Sound, where she traveled most weekends with her team, singing and leading worship at churches in the area. Her voice developed even more during those years, and so did her faith, as she experienced the power of music to usher people into the presence of God in an even greater way than she had before. Elise desires to continue bringing others closer to Him through her voice.

*VIP Pre-Conference Workshop Descriptions. This event will be held at Infinity Church in Fountain Inn.
Conquer the Clutter with Melissa Capps – Do you want to be more organized but don’t know where to start? Paralyzed by indecision? Feeling discouraged after scrolling through picture perfect homes as you compare them to your own? It’s time to stop looking around and start taking charge of your own hhome, in your unique way. Home organization is not cookie cutter, it’s personal. Organization expert Melissa Capps will provide tried and true strategies to organizing your home in a way that fits your needs. This interactive workshop will equip you with the tools you need to conquer your clutter once and for all.
Finding Your Unique Purpose for This Season with Connie Tresedder – Do you wonder if your life is making a difference? Do you sometimes wish you were having more of an impact on the world? Would you like to receive clarity on your specific purpose for this season in our life? There is nothing more fulfilling than walking in your purpose… plus God needs you to step into what He has planned for you. Not only for your sake, but for those that you will help. Spirit-led coach and author Connie Tresedder, will take you through a series of simple exercises and reflections that will bring to light the purpose that will add meaning to your life at this particular time. This workshop will be a fun and inspiring time!