The Blog

When I was growing up, my most cherished memories include sitting around the table with my family after dinner, swapping stories about our day and reminiscing over favorite times. Sometimes we’d sit for an hour or more, not wanting our conversation to end (or to do the dishes!). Pull up a chair and enjoy browsing through my blog posts around my virtual kitchen table. I hope you’ll connect with me by leaving comments and subscribe to receive my latest posts. My prayer for you is to be encouraged and inspired by the words I share here, without even having to help with the dishes.

Nothing gives a peek into a family’s lifestyle better than designing their dream home. I know because I’ve been drawing house plans for over thirty years. There are the typical …

My family moved several times during my elementary, junior and senior high school years. Being painfully shy, I loathed the idea of having to attend another unfamiliar school as the …

  I’ve always had a passion for houses. From cozy little cottages to grandiose estates, houses have intrigued and inspired me. As a nine-year-old I remember trying to put the …

I have a burden. Until recently I didn’t know how to address it. But God has mercifully opened my eyes and my heart to His purpose in my writing ministry. …

There’s a door out there with your name on it. Right now. It’s open. What will you do? ~ All The Places To Go; How Will You Know? By John …

This Boy

“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. ~ 1 …

The Hidden Path

Your road led through the sea, your pathway through the mighty waters—a pathway no one knew was there! ~ Psalm 77:19 Have you ever felt like God slammed a door …

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” ~ Proverbs 31:28-29 I’m sure there …

What Can I Do?

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ~ Edmund Burke Every time I scroll through the photos on Facebook I quickly …


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