The Podcast: Blueprints to Strengthen Your Faith & Family

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Every woman can make a difference for good and for God in their homes and their communities, but in a culture whose moral compass is upside-down it can be confusing to know what lines up with biblical truth. Through this podcast, my desire is to help women in their faith walk learn how to build on that faith and lead their family well by equipping them with information and inspiration. Join me as I interview guests who have faced their own struggles with faith and family as well as those who share practical tips to strengthen godly homes. My prayer is for these episodes to inspire and equip listeners with a blueprint that will cause women to rise up, bless their families and those in their sphere of influence, so that they can change stories of families for a thousand generations.  


Jessica Ronne has endured more heartache than most can even fathom. She found out when she was pregnant with her second son that he’d had a stroke in utero and would be profoundly disabled if she carried him to term. She and her husband made the decision to carry him to full term and let God handle the details. Lucas does have those disabilities but Jess and her husband never wished they’d made a different choice. Then, several years and two more children later, Jess’s husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor and passed away at the age of 33, leaving her to take care of their four small children. But God didn’t leave her in her grief. She met a wonderful man, a widower with three children and they married, blended their families and even added one more to the mix. Even though Jess has a hard story, she’s used her experience to create The Lucas Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to serving parent caregivers with respite, recognition and resources. She is also the associate producer of the documentary Unseen and the author of four books, including her most recent, Caregiving with Grit and Grace.

Hey listeners! I’m popping into you podcast feed with a surprise! Starting now, I’ll be releasing solo episodes every other week to share some of my life experiences and Jesus moments with you! I’ll still be doing interviews but thought it would be fun to be able to talk directly to you about my struggles and triumphs. And I’m calling these episodes The Kitchen Table. So why the kitchen table? I’m so glad you asked! I believe the dinner table is an important ingredient in the glue that helps us build strong families. My siblings and my children would agree. And so, these solo episodes that I’ll bring to you, hopefully every 2 weeks, will be short stories of how I’ve seen God work in my own life through sometimes mundane, and other times amazing, experiences and how those experiences have grown my faith. Just like if you came to my house and we sat around my kitchen table enjoying a snack and a cup of coffee (or hot tea for me!). I may even share some things I’m learning in the Word that might encourage you.

My guest today, Melissa Huray, lived that life of hopelessness as a former alcoholic who struggled with addiction from the time she was a child. First it was sugar and junk food. Then, because her father was an alcoholic and she saw him go to alcohol to diffuse many situations, she believed alcohol was the magic cure for all of her troubles. But instead of finding healing in the bottle, she found herself in a hopeless cycle of addiction, believing she could stop at any time, but finding that she didn’t have the strength to overcome the hold alcohol had over her. Until she finally fully surrendered to Christ and prayed for healing. Melissa has a fascinating story of turning her life around through the power of Christ, not her own, and using her experience to counsel others living in addiction and bringing freedom through the gospel. In this episode she shares practical tools and encouragement to help addicts and those who love them fight the battle of addiction.

Does God care about the little decisions you have to make every day? The Bible is full of spiritual wisdom. But does God provide specific direction for real-world questions? Questions like Is this the right job? and Which college should my child attend? The answer is a resounding yes. And in this episode, you will discover how to access God's divine wisdom in any situation.

Did you know that 20% of the youth that age out of the foster care system are instantly homeless. Tori Hope Petersen was one of those young adults who decided it would be easier to go it alone than have to navigate the system that caused her so much pain, having been in 12 foster homes from the ages of 12-18. But Tori was blessed to have mentors to come alongside her and help, eventually becoming adopted by her track coach. Tori’s mom came from brokenness and generational curses and did the best she knew how, but Tori has become intentional about breaking those curses in her own family. She also does advocacy in the foster care system and has written two books, Fostered: One Woman’s Powerful Story of Finding Faith and Family Through Foster Care, and her just released book, Breaking the Patterns that Break You: Healing from the Pain of Your Past and Finding Real Hope That Lasts.

Merry Christmas Y’all! I know as this episode drops it Thanksgiving week but since Thanksgiving is so late this year, I wanted to get a head start on Christmas! I’ve got my tree up already so I can enjoy it longer and I’m not sad about that at all! Another reason I wanted to go ahead and release this episode is because I’m sharing some Christmas traditions, and you may want to implement some of these ideas into your own family and might need a little time to prepare. So, I’m going to share a little research, a few fun and meaningful Christmas traditions and some fun Christmas stories as well as something we did when our family was grieving and having a hard time wanting to celebrate the holiday at all that helped a lot.

You wouldn't think a breast cancer diagnosis would lead a couple into a marriage that was more joyful than they could have ever imagined, but that's what happened with Glen and Kelly Daigle. They had both been married before they met and were ready for a fresh start, having each gone through difficulties with drugs and alcohol. Glen had recently finished a self-admitted time in rehab for alcohol addiction and Kelly was looking for a man who'd been married, didn't have children and loved the Lord. Since Glen met all three requirements they dated and eventually married. But everything wasn't all rainbows and hearts.

Have you ever had a life changing moment? A tragedy, unexpected diagnosis or sudden loss that left you feeling alone, confused or in despair, wondering what to do next? When Wendy Rickard's husband fell into a utility area, dropping twenty feet on his head, she began to question God. He survived, but his brain injury meant her family lost the father and husband they depended on for everything. Their family of four imploded.

Y’all, I’ve had Sophie Hudson on my bucket list of guests since before I started the podcast! She’s the co-host, along with Melanie Shankle, of the Big Boo Cast podcast as well as the voice of the BooMama blog (she shares in this episode how that name came to be!) and author of several of my favorite books. She’s a southern girl from Alabama who loves her family and her football but mostly she loves Jesus. Her books include A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet, Home is Where My People Are and Giddy Up Eunice. And she recently released her newest book, A Fine Sight to See: Leading Because Your Were Made for It, where she shares how it empowers women to embrace their God-given roles as leaders and serve with boldness, both inside and outside the church. She was such a delight to talk to and has such a heart for women! I know you’re going to enjoy listening to our conversation and love Sophie as much as I do!

Carol Roper


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