Finding Freedom from the Father Wound with Juli Sellers

When Juli Sellers agreed to care for her father, the decision wasn’t easy. She had to reconcile years of abuse with the growing need to help him as his memory diminished. After a lifetime of hurt, she searched for the forgiveness that would heal their relationship before it was too late. In Juli’s book, Yes, Father: A Daughter’s Journey to Forgiveness, she shares the hopeful story of her journey into caring for her father with Alzheimer’s while learning to forgive him for his past.

If you’ve longed to restore a broken family relationship or have cared for a parent with Alzheimer’s, you’ll relate to the struggle of hanging on to hope in the midst of difficult circumstances. I hope you’ll be encouraged by Juli’s testimony of her healing from her own personal father wound.

Quotes from Juli

“I have been forgiven of my sins. Jesus came to save my dad as much as He came to forgive me.”

“The important thing I had to learn at first was that forgiveness was even possible.”

“Peacemakers actually do have to speak the truth because it’s not an absence of conflict that helps us to have peace, it’s resolution of conflict.”

Resources and Links for Juli

You can find Juli’s podcast, Peace Prayers, and more about Juli at her website You can also purchase her book, Yes, Father: A Daughter’s Journey to Forgiveness here.

Listen to Finding Freedom from the Father Wound with Juli Sellers