Miracles in the Journey: Navigating Faith Through Four Battles with Cancer with Lori Margo

“Faith is the refusal to panic.” This quote by Dennis Rainey had a profound impact on Lori Margo as she walked through her difficult journey with cancer. Because her own mother had been diagnosed with cancer at the same age Lori received her first diagnosis and passed away two short years later, she had every reason to panic. But as she walked her own path, she realized that if you’re going to believe the Bible, you’ve got to believe the whole Bible.

After Lori finally beat her cancer, she lost her dad to the same horrible disease, and even though she told others God had been with her through that hard season, she began to question if that were actually true. So, she decided to start keeping track of God’s goodness in the midst of pain. When she sat down to write she immediately came up with 30 instances of how God had been with her in the loss of her father. That started her on a quest to look for God in all of the difficult seasons in her life and she began what she now calls tracking God. She not only does it in her own life, but in her children’s as well. And now she teaches others how to track God through their own hard stories. Lori is an inspiration of faith and hope and I know her story will point you in the direction of finding God in the hard, too.


“Faith is the refusal to panic.” – Dennis Rainey


Find out more about Lori at LoriMargo.com. You can also take her quiz at LoriMargo.com/quiz

Listen to Miracles in the Journey: Navigating Faith Through Four Battles with Cancer with Lori Margo

Watch on YouTube Miracles in the Journey: Navigating Faith Through Four Battles with Cancer with Lori Margo