You Are Called for Such a Time as This Bonus Episode with Carol Roper

Hey listeners, I just wanted to take a few minutes to address some things I’ve been hearing about and thought I’d share a few thoughts that I hope are encouraging to you through this little bonus episode.

Right now, our country is one of the most divisive states we’ve been in since before the civil war. Our world has been turned upside-down where good is bad and bad is good and no one seems to know what truth really is anymore. And this is having an alarming effect on our children and young adults, especially those who haven’t been educated with critical thinking skills and that is having a disastrous effect on our culture. And to be honest, it can seem hopeless, especially for our children and grandchildren, and our nation’s children overall.

But I’ve also heard that, as far as the election is concerned, many Christians are just sitting this one out. They are also throwing up their hands and saying Jesus is coming back soon so we’ll just hunker down and wait for Him to make things right again. Wow! Talk about a hopeless stance coming from a people who have the most hope of all! We think that we have no position of power or influence so what we do doesn’t matter. Well, I want to remind you that we are not helpless, and we certainly aren’t hopeless. Y’all, we are called!

In this episode I will share what we, as Christians, need to do in order to make a difference in our nation for God’s glory.

Listen to You Are Called for Such a Time as This Bonus Episode with Carol Roper

Here are a few of the episodes I hope you’ll listen to in order to make more informed decisions:

Unmasking the Transgender Agenda for Your Family with Marcia Moston

Building Strong Homes podcast: From Queer to Christ with George Carneal

Her Faith Inspires: Four Bad Reasons Christians Won’t Vote with Shanda Fulbright

Her Faith Inspires: Christ Over Culture – How to Stand in a Postmodern World with Andrea Crum

Her Faith Inspires: How Should Christians Vote?

Her Faith Inspires: Think Before You Vote with Kathy Gibbons

It’s Time to Stand Up podcast with Misty Philip

Refocus with Jim Daly: Os Guinness – Saving America: Being Agents of Change for Christ

Refocus with Jim Daly: A Transformative Journey to Engaging Culture with Dr. Michael Brown

Refocus with Jim Daly: Rosaria Butterfield: From LGBT Culture to God’s Truth

Focus on the Family: Standing Firm for Christ in a Postmodern World with Dr. Erwin Lutzer

Focus on the Family: Living Out Your Christian Faith in Public Service with Speaker of the U.S. House, Mike Johnson

Complete Transcript:

Hey listeners, I just wanted to take a few minutes to address some things I’ve been hearing about and thought I’d share a few thoughts that I hope are encouraging to you through this little bonus episode.

Right now, our country is one of the most divisive states we’ve been in since before the civil war. Our world has been turned upside-down where good is bad and bad is good and no one seems to know what truth really is anymore. And this is having an alarming effect on our children and young adults, especially those who haven’t been educated with critical thinking skills and that is having a disastrous effect on our culture. And to be honest, it can seem hopeless, especially for our children and grandchildren, and our nation’s children overall.

But I’ve also heard that, as far as the election is concerned, many Christians are just sitting this one out. They are also throwing up their hands and saying Jesus is coming back soon so we’ll just hunker down and wait for Him to make things right again. Wow! Talk about a hopeless stance coming from a people who have the most hope of all! We think that we have no position of power or influence so what we do doesn’t matter. Well, I want to remind you that we are not helpless, and we certainly aren’t hopeless. Y’all, we are called!

I want to remind you about a young Jewish woman in scripture, Esther. She was a helpless orphan girl who was living with a relative when she was, because of her beauty, taken to become Artaxersis, the king of Persia’s, queen. Even though she had the title of queen, she had no real power. But there was a man in the king’s court named Haman who despised Jews and plotted to have the whole race obliterated. Haman’s rage came from Esther’s uncle Mordecai not bowing down to him. When he found out that Mordecai’s people as a whole, only bowed to their God, he became infuriated and went to the king for his approval to exterminate them, stating that they did not keep the king’s laws (which he most likely says due to his experience with Mordecai not bowing down to him) and that he would give him a large sum of money to boot. It sounds good to the king, so he puts his seal on the order, and it is dispersed throughout the entire empire.

When Mordecai heard this, he tore his clothes, put on ashes and sackcloth and wept. Esther heard what her uncle was doing and sent one of the eunuchs to see what was going on. Mordecai told him of the king’s decree and even gave him a copy of it to show Esther and asked her to talk to the king so that she could save her people. But Esther knew it was against the law for her to go before the king without him requesting her, with the possible punishment of death if he didn’t want to see her, so she told Mordecai she couldn’t risk it. But Mordecai sent these words back to her: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews. For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

If you know the story you remember that Esther agreed and asked the people to fast and pray. She eventually went to the king and found favor with him and was able to thwart Haman’s plan and he and his family were the ones who suffered the would-be fate of the Jews.

So, why am I sharing this ancient story with you?

Esther could have ultimately given in to her fear and let the Jews suffer while she (hopefully) would remain untouched. But she took her uncle’s words to heart and knew that her position in the palace wasn’t by chance. I believe Esther knew God places us in certain times for His purposes and this was hers, to prevent the genocide of a nation who were God’s people. His special treasure.

Today I believe we are seeing evil unleashed in our nation like never before. We are forced to accept things that God calls evil and say we should let everyone have their own truth, but then are forced to go along with it. There are many around the country standing for truth in different arenas. I see my good friend, Marcia Moston, as a member of the local library board battling for the children of our county who are being exposed to literature that isn’t appropriate for adults, much less children. Then being lied about in public, telling others she is banning books. Friend, find out the truth before giving into those lies. Her goal is only to move inappropriate materials out of the children’s section and into the adult section. As responsible parents, I would hope every one of us would agree with Marcia’s position, and others like her, and advocate for them. Please pray for Marcia and those in stations of influence as the radical left is relentless in their pursuit. If you want to learn more about this issue, I’ll have a link to Marcia’s episode in my show notes.

I see where last week’s guest, George Carneal, author of the book, From Queer to Christ, is struggling to be asked to speak to young people about his journey through pain and disillusionment as he sought to find acceptance in the gay community because of his same-sex attraction. Instead of being welcomed in to help teens understand why pursuing this lifestyle isn’t the answer, he’s had promises from churches saying they will have him come speak and then never getting back with him. This man is so passionate about trying to reach others for Christ to help them prevent wasting years of their lives, as he did, he’s almost emptied his savings account. Even upon releasing his podcast episode I see mostly silence, with only a handful of few brave souls willing to leaving affirming comments.

The goal of the enemy is to silence Christians, and he’s doing an excellent job. And I believe many Christians will stay home this election day because they don’t like either candidate. But this is not a middle school popularity contest. We, as responsible adults, need to look at the policy of each candidate and see which one lines up most with the statutes of God’s word. THAT is our plumbline. That is where we will see a better future for our children and grandchildren.

Now I know that there is no politician who is our savior. Only Christ is our Lord and Savior. But in order to protect the innocent, namely our nation’s children, we must stand up and fight. God knew when each of us would be born and the issues we would face, and He calls each one of us to build up His kingdom and make disciples for Him. We can’t do that if we’re muzzled. If our rights as parents are taken away. If our freedom of choice is removed. And if you don’t believe that’s what is happening, I will have links to several other podcast episodes in the show notes for you to listen to.

My grandmother was a war bride who grew up in England. She came to the US when she was 21 after enduring WW2. She was such a strong woman, and I truly admired her, stiff upper lip and all. There are so many things I wish I’d have thought to ask her when she was alive. But one thing I’m thankful I did. Towards the end of her life, I asked her what was the biggest difference between England and the United States. She thought about it for a minute and then said, “This is a nation where you can be anything. It really is a land of opportunity. Anyone can start from nothing and create a great life for themselves. That is not possible anywhere but here.”

Friends, if we want to keep the freedoms that we have and protect our most treasured assets, our children, then we need to stand up. Satan wants to destroy the family because it is God’s design for our best.

At the very least, get out and cast your vote for good. And if you want to do more, ask God how you can make a difference. That’s why I felt called to put out this bonus episode. I may not be the queen of an empire, but this little podcast does have a voice and I’m tired of standing in the wings not voicing the truth. Who knows what God has for you to do for such a time as this. We aren’t here at this time by accident. As the famous quote from Edmund Burke states, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

I love you and am praying for you as you faithfully lead your families toward God. And remember: don’t give up, don’t give in and keep building strong. Let’s get started!

2 thoughts on “You Are Called for Such a Time as This Bonus Episode with Carol Roper”

  1. Thank you so much for standing up and sharing your heart, Carol. We have a responsibility before God and to one another to steward our vote for God-glorifying governance.

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