You Are Called for Such a Time as This Bonus Episode with Carol Roper

Today I believe we are seeing evil unleashed in our nation like never before. We are forced to accept things that God calls evil and say we should let everyone have their own truth, but then are forced to go along with it. There are many around the country standing for truth in different arenas. I see my good friend, Marcia Moston, as a member of the local library board battling for the children of our county who are being exposed to literature that isn’t appropriate for adults, much less children. Then being lied about in public, telling others she is banning books. Friend, find out the truth before giving into those lies. Her goal is only to move inappropriate materials out of the children’s section and into the adult section. As responsible parents, I would hope every one of us would agree with Marcia’s position, and others like her, and advocate for them. Please pray for Marcia and those in stations of influence as the radical left is relentless in their pursuit. If you want to learn more about this issue, I’ll have a link to Marcia’s episode in my show notes.