The Importance of Fatherhood Series: Episode Two with Cecil and Boone Stokes

Welcome to the second episode in our fatherhood series. You are going to be so blessed by today’s guests, Cecil Stokes and his son Boone. November is National Adoption Month and Cecil’s story is unique because he adopted Boone out of foster care as a single dad. Only .03% of kids are adopted by single dads. When Cecil was in his late thirties and had just ended a serious relationship that he thought would lead to marriage, he decided to ask God if it would be okay for him to adopt a son out of foster care. He felt God say not now and so he persisted in that prayer. When Cecil was 42 God finally showed him it was time.

Boone had been in foster care for three years and was in ten foster homes when he came to Cecil. His behavioral problems that stemmed from the mental and emotional abuse he endured from his biological parents made it difficult for him to be fostered. When Cecil and Boone tell the story of the day they met it will amaze you. Usually social workers stay for several hours to help make the transition before they leave, but theirs left in fifteen minutes!

Cecil says they were created to be a family and that Boone had to go through ten foster placements and he had to go through decades of not being married so that they were ready at that exact moment to be matched as a family through foster care. Now Cecil and Boone have created a ministry called Boone and Me where they travel the country and share their story educating churches and the congregation about foster care and adoption. They’ve had the privilege of being interviewed on the Focus on the Family broadcast and love telling anyone who will listen how God created beauty from the ashes of their lives.

Highlights and Quotes From This Episode

Cecil has quite an impressive resume including being an Emmy award-winning producer, writer and director of 513 shows, two documentaries and the feature film, October Baby, as well as about 100 commercials. But he says ,”All of those accomplishments, they are amazing. But I look back at that life and feel like I was living in black and white until my son arrived, and then the world became color.” – Cecil

“I have signs all over this house that say “Forever Family”, just so that Boone knows this is never going to happen to you again.” – Cecil

“God brings beauty from ashes.” – Cecil

“Everybody needs a Cecil in their life.” – Boone

“All we have to do is show them how to fall in love with Jesus and we’ve done our job.” – Cecil

“500,000 children in the US are in foster care and over 120,000 of them their parental rights have been terminated and they are available for adoption, just like Boone was.”

Their family mantra is “Guard Your Gate”, meaning to make sure you guard the things you see and hear so you stay on the right path God has for you.

Resources and Events

November is National Adoption Month and this Sunday, November 7, is Stand Sunday. This event is an initiative of The Christian Alliance for Orphans to bring awareness to the needs of children in the U.S. foster care system and churches in 124 countries are hosting a Stand Sunday in their church. Go to to see the work their doing in Houston or your state and see how your church can get involved.

Visit The Global Orphan Project to find out more on foster care adoption. They also have a resource there called Get Involved which lists ways you can help.

November 7 is also Boones birthday. Happy birthday Boone! What a perfect way to celebrate your birthday!!

Check out Cecil and Boone’s ministry at to find out more on foster care adoption.

May is National Foster Care Month

Listen to this episode The Importance of Fatherhood: Episode Two With Cecil and Boone Stokes