The Life-Changing Difference Belonging Can Make with Daniel Grothe
We are living in a human experiment for the first time in human history… living as tourists instead of as members of a place we’re passing through. – Daniel Grothe
We are living in a human experiment for the first time in human history… living as tourists instead of as members of a place we’re passing through. – Daniel Grothe
Brittany Roper is a woman of unyielding resilience and enduring faith who is an example of positivity amidst the many trying circumstances she’s experienced. Her life journey, which includes triumph … Read more
As Laura Barrineau tells it, she hasn’t suffered a lot of terrible things in her life and for years she felt like her testimony wasn’t good enough. Many times, when … Read more
Elise and Wes walked their own lonely journeys through singleness before finally finding each other and marrying last March. Even though for most of their lives they lived exactly 7.3 miles apart, and Wes’s mom and I have been best friends for 28 years, they’d never met except in their preschool Sunday School class. You may remember Elise’s story from episode 19 about how her fiancé broke off their engagement and left her heartbroken. Wes has his own testimony of 10 years of singleness and not dating after he realized he had allowed dating to become an idol for him.
Twelve years ago, Noelle Lawson died from alcohol poisoning. Her husband, Scott, had just been trained to do CPR and was able to revive her before the ambulance arrived. Their … Read more